Formitize Case Study: My Pool Inspector

27 June, 2024
Case Study 94

My Pool Inspector:




Dirk Nannes, the owner of My Pool Inspector, discovered Formitize through industry peers who were already benefiting from its features.


Dirk explains, "The primary reason I turned to Formitize was its capability to generate custom PDF reports. I was specifically looking for solutions in CRM (Customer Management), Job Management, and Reporting."



The previous processes followed by My Pool Inspector posed several challenges for the business, including inefficiencies, time delays, and lost paperwork. These issues had a significant impact on the company's operations, prompting them to choose Formitize as their solution of choice. Being a start-up, Formitize became their first and foremost system to implement.


Formitize has seamlessly integrated into the day-to-day functioning of My Pool Inspector, providing invaluable contributions to the business. Dirk emphasizes, "I can trust that no details slip through the cracks, no jobs are lost, and no follow-ups are missed. Formitize has allowed us to make tangible improvements to our operations. Setting up Formitize was remarkably easy."


At present, My Pool Inspector utilizes several Formitize solutions, including CRM (Customer Management), Job Management, Job Scheduling, and Reporting.


Dirk praises the simplicity and effectiveness of Formitize, stating, "Our Formitize account was incredibly easy to set up, and we were quickly up and running, benefiting from its wide range of impressive features. It's a great solution that is user-friendly."


In three words, Dirk describes Formitize as reliable, affordable, and customizable.


The company has availed themselves of various support tools offered by Formitize, including the 30-Minute Walkthrough Tour, Demonstration Videos, communication with the Client Success Manager via phone calls and emails, the Getting Started Guide, support tickets, the User Guide, and assistance from the support team. Dirk commends the highly responsive and helpful nature of Formitize's support and customer service.


Before committing to Formitize, My Pool Inspector compared it with other solutions such as Google (calendar, drive, etc.), My Inspection App, ServiceM8, and iAuditor/Safety Culture. Eventually, the customization options, particularly the ability to create custom PDF reports, led them to choose Formitize.


When asked about the likelihood of recommending Formitize to a friend or colleague on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being not likely and 10 being very likely), Dirk enthusiastically gives it a "10."


Are you ready to optimise your business and go paperless? Book your free demo today! 


Formitize – making paperwork paperless.