Formitize Case Study: BAP Pest Control PTY LTD

21 June, 2024
Case Study 65

Brooke Paddick, an employee at BAP Pest Control PTY LTD, was introduced to Formitize by others in their industry who were already using the software.


According to Brooke, their previous business process posed several challenges, primarily involving time-consuming manual data entry. Seeking a solution, they turned to Formitize, specifically looking for features like Paperless Forms and Accounting, including Invoicing, Quotes, and Payments.


Brooke emphasises that Formitize has become an invaluable asset in their day-to-day operations. The software has significantly contributed to the overall functioning of their business, bringing about substantial improvements. Brooke describes Formitize as a cost-effective and user-friendly solution that offers simplicity and ease of understanding.


Currently, Brooke's team utilises multiple Formitize solutions, including Paperless Forms, Job Management, CRM (Customer Management), and Accounting functionalities such as Invoicing, Quotes, and Payments.


Moreover, Brooke praises the support tools provided by Formitize, such as the User Guide and User Guide Question. They have found the Formitize Support and Customer Service teams to be highly responsive and consistently helpful.


When asked to rate the likelihood of recommending Formitize to a friend or colleague on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being "Not Likely" and 10 being "Very Likely," Brooke gave a perfect score of “10.”


Do you want to see for yourself the amazing features of Formitize? Start your Free Trial Today!


Formitize – making paperwork paperless.