This is what you're asking for: An update on your Feature Requests

3 October, 2023
young man with blank dialogue bubble on blue flat 2023 03 02 03 32 07 utc

A little over a month ago, we opened the communication lines in the form of our Feature Requests, where we invited you to submit your own development requests and upvote existing ones. We've been blown away by the level of engagement and the wholehearted investment that our community has in Formitize!


What are you asking for?

Formitize users have expressed a strong desire for enhanced functionalities, with the Client Portal leading the way. The feedback has shown that you would like your customers to be able to pay invoices, request quotes and book jobs. Continue the conversation by adding your comments and upvoting the feature so we can make it the best that it can be.

Another significant request is the Scheduler Print Options, offering users the ability to print job snapshots in various views. The platform is also reviewing possible improvements in its text message reminder system, specifically targeting confirmed jobs and enhancing two-way SMS communication.

Users have also shown interest in a bulk PDF export feature, streamlining the report generation process.

Finally, there's a call to refine the Admin portal, enabling users to fully complete forms attached to jobs, ensuring a more cohesive workflow.

Top 5 Requests

You are speaking out and our talented team of web developers is listening! Here are the Top 5 Requests as voted by you, our valued Formitize community. 

1. Client Portal (Portal/App)
Summary: Proposal for a client portal where customers can pay invoices, request quotes, and book jobs seamlessly at any time.
Intended Outcome: Easier interaction for customers with services and management of their requests. Features like Web Quotes, Web Invoices, and Booking of Jobs by customers are included in the considered requirements. The portal will have Stripe integration for secure payments and will connect with other modules of the Formitize App.

2. Scheduler Print Options
Summary: A feature in the Scheduler Section of the Desktop Portal to allow printing (Printer or PDF) of Daily, Weekly, and Monthly View Job Snapshots.
Intended Outcome: Offer users the ability to print job snapshots in various views.

3. Enhanced Text Message Reminders and Customer Reply Handling
Summary: Refinement of the text message reminder system to target confirmed jobs and improve the handling of customer replies (2-Way SMS).
Intended Outcome: Reduce unnecessary reminders and enhance communication with customers.

4. Bulk Export of PDFs (Resources)
Summary: A feature that allows users to export multiple PDFs in bulk.
Intended Outcome: Users can select multiple forms or reports and export them as PDFs in one go, enhancing efficiency.

5. Fully Complete Forms from Admin Login
Summary: Enhance the Admin portal to allow users to fully complete forms attached to jobs. This addresses the current limitation where jobs can be marked as complete in the Web Portal, but forms attached to the job can only be completed on the App.
Intended Outcome: Enable users to fully complete forms attached to jobs, ensuring a more cohesive workflow.


Keep an eye on the progress 

The Roadmap view allows you to keep an eye on the progress of each request, so you can track its development as it moves throughout the various stages. 


Don't forget to have your say. You can visit the Feature Requests board through the link in the Web Portal.