Quick-Nav Button Saves Time

20 December, 2016

Introduced as a time saving feature for client’s that need to view and edit Submitted Forms, the Quick Nav feature enables users to “Quickly Navigate” to sections of the form without scrolling.


Latest Addition to the Edit Submitted Form Page a Big Time Saver

Some inspection forms in particular can be thirty or more pages and very detailed so the ability to navigate to a specific section with just two clicks can save an enormous amount of time.


How it Works

To see the Quick Nav in action, go to a Submitted Form and select the Quick Nav option in the Sub Menu. Select the relevant section of the form and then you will see the form fields within that section. Click on the form field and you will be taken instantly to that section of the form. With two clicks you can locate any form fields required.

Quick Nav – another Formitize solution to help you save time and increase productivity.