Formitize Celebrates 12 Years of Innovation and Growth

9 July, 2024
Work Anniversary 29

This July marks a significant milestone for Formitize as we celebrate our 12th birthday! From humble beginnings in 2012, when our four pioneers — Matt, Fleur, Phil, and Dimitri — embarked on a journey to revolutionize the way businesses handle paperwork, we have grown so much.


We're now a global team of skilled professionals, all dedicated to streamlining and simplifying business operations for businesses across every industry, size and location.

Our Journey

Formitize started as a company dedicated to producing paperless forms, aiming to reduce the hassle and environmental impact of traditional paperwork. Over the past 12 years, we have evolved into a comprehensive business management platform.

Today, Formitize can handle every aspect of your business operations, from managing enquiries to receiving instant payments with our PayNow feature.

The Symbolism of Twelve

The number twelve holds a special place in various traditions and cultures, symbolizing perfection, entirety, and cosmic order. There are twelve months in a year, twelve signs of the zodiac, and twelve stations of the Moon and Sun.

At Formitize, we see our 12th anniversary as a symbol of our complete transformation and our dedication to providing perfect solutions for businesses worldwide. Just as twelve signifies a full cycle in the cosmos, our journey represents the full cycle of innovation, growth, and excellence.

Impact and Sustainability

Each year, our clients produce millions of paperless forms using Formitize, significantly reducing (or eliminating) the need for paper and saving countless trees. In Australia alone, we have saved 650 million pieces of paper, which equates to more than 78,000 trees. Our commitment to sustainability is evident in our continuous efforts to innovate and provide eco-friendly solutions for businesses. By switching to digital forms, our clients not only streamline their operations and save money, but also contribute to a greener planet.

A Bright Future

As we celebrate this remarkable milestone, we reflect on our journey with pride and gratitude. Our growth from a small team of four to a large global network of professionals is a testament to our dedication and the trust our clients place in us. We look forward to continuing this journey, providing innovative solutions, and making a positive impact on businesses and the environment.

Here's to twelve years of excellence and many more to come!