Color Coding your Pipeline Stages

1 February, 2021
Make nurturing your sales leads even easier with the ability to color code your Lead Stages.
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The Sales Pipeline provides an instant real-time view on all of your sales leads and adjusts the value of the pipeline based on the stage of each enquiry. Customize your Pipeline even further with the ability to color code your Pipeline stages. Color coding your stages allows you to see at a glance what stage your sales leads are at and also an easy way to monitor your leads as they move through the stages.

To customise the Lead stage colors from within the Management Portal:

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1. Select the Settings Cog in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

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2. From the Settings Options choose Pipeline and from the drop-down, you will select Pipeline Stages.

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3. To select the desired color from within the Pipline Stages you will select the color box which will bring up the color picked allowing you to choose the desired color for each stage.

4. Once all of your colors have been chosen saves these changes at the bottom of the page. 


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